Art for Advent by Poor Bishop Hooper


Firstborn Study


Matthew’s gospel goes to great lengths to record the genealogy of Christ. Many of the key individuals throughout Biblical history are there in Jesus’ ancestry - Abraham, Jacob, David… But there are many others of far less familiarity. A brother-in-law to the high priest, a king amidst exile, a father during the time of silence. Each of these people, whether mighty in faith or wretched in failure, are important. They give beauty to the great story of God. They play a part in fulfilling the divine promise of Jesus.

We invite you to read this lineage study with this in mind. We implore you to stop, even if for just a moment, to look at some of the often overlooked details. Come into a greater sense of awe and wonder at who Jesus is by knowing where he came from this Advent season. We pray this resource can be of some blessing to you, and that Jesus would again be first in our hearts and minds.

- Jesse and Leah Roberts

*The article mentioned in the study about the missing kings from the lineage can be found here.

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